VCE or VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM)

Students heading into Year 11 and 12 have the choice of two engaging programs. The traditional VCE academic program or the VCE Vocational Major. VCE VM is a two year vocational, applied program allowing students to gain practical skills and knowledge for work and further education.

Both VCE and VCE VM allow students to include Vocational Education and Training (VET) subjects to their programs, the VCE VM program allows these VET subjects to link into work placements too. Thus allowing students more opportunities to open up pathways to higher level TAFE courses, apprenticeships, traineeships and the workforce.

Within our VCE program, students can select more than 35 different VCE studies and 8 onsite VCE VET programs (there are more than 30 VET subjects that can be accessed via offsite programs). By completing the VCE, students are able to specialise in areas of interest, meet the requirements for future tertiary studies and develop skills for various careers.

Kolbe Catholic College is proud to be able to offer a broad, well balanced and comprehensive curriculum that caters to the needs of all students. Kolbe Catholic College students not only develop their knowledge in desired areas, but also work and life skills to be successful upon graduation. Our students have more choices, as both of these programs allow students to focus on either academic preparation for university and further studies or equip students for the world of work through hands-on experience in various industries via the VCE VM program.

Year 12 - VTAC Applications

VTAC has been open for just over two weeks, and students have been actively involved in finalising their options for 2025 and beyond. Many students are applying for courses at university and TAFE, while others are firming up apprenticeships and traineeships.  Ms Williams is available to provide support and advice, and every Year 12 student is encouraged to make an appointment with her in their early leave sessions on either a Tuesday or Wednesday. Timely applications for VTAC close on the 30 September - students are encouraged to meet this deadline and secure the cheaper fee of $60, as it does increase significantly after this date.

Deb Williams
Coordinator: Careers & Pathways (VET)

Curriculum Leader (Years 11&12)


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