A good meal always makes a tough day better!
Some of our senior students volunteered for the FareShare - Schools in the Kitchen program held on Wednesday, 13 March. Their work on the day provided much needed nourishment and peace of mind for less fortunate people in our community.
These students:
A massive thank you to the students for their generosity in helping those in need. We hope that their experience in the School’s Kitchen has inspired them and reinforced the idea that anyone and everyone can help others who are less fortunate.
Giselle Arouff
Rachel Finau
Chatelle Gigliotti
Tracy Kimungui
Sarah Leahy
Alicia Licastra
Sienna Mignogna
Haakawa Moseray
Bwalya Nsofwa
Ashleigh Oraha
Zaman Saeed
Annabel Shamon
Zoe Travaglini
Maryam Neamat
If you’d like more information about volunteering, check out FareShare’s ‘Get Involved’ page (https://www.fareshare.net.au/melbourne/) to see if this is a good fit for you.
Nikole Cymbalak
Deputy Principal: Operations