Are you exam-ready?

As our mid-year Unit 1 examination season begins, here are some of Mrs Todorovic’s strategies for success.

Set Up Study Space

It is important that you establish or locate a quiet, comfortable, distraction-free space in order for you to complete your daily homework and weekly revision.

Be inspired with pictures or written learning and life goals or aspirations, photographs or posters.

Discover Your Learning Style

Determine when you learn best, this may be early morning or later in the afternoon.

Avoid late-night study, all nights or last-minute cramming as these is not long term or effective study techniques.

Remember not everyone learns the same way, utlise the range of resources that have been made available to you, this might mean the use of audiobooks or video instructions (Edrolo, YouTube, Cambridge eBook etc) or creating cue cards or, summary pages or completing additional practice questions.

Stay Organised

Set up a study plan or diary, use Google Calendar, SEQTA entries or phone alarms to keep on top of homework, assessment and other key dates or events.

Look After Yourself

It is important that you find your work/life/school balance.

Getting regular sleep, eating healthy, staying active and having a break from your designated study space is essential to maintain your study productivity and effectiveness.

Create Checklists

Using your VCAA Study Design dot points or your teacher's success criteria create an exam checklist.

Using a traffic light system you can rank your level of understanding.

Revisit Assessments

Long are the days of throwing out your past assessments as soon as your teacher returns them. Read through the feedback, and identify areas for improvement as these are generally things your teachers will reassess in the examination.

Year 11 Students

Please attend your exams over your Unit 3 & 4 classes.

If you do not have an exam during your Unit 3 & 4 class you are expected to be in attendance.

Please be prompt to your Examinations.

If you have an examination clash (eg. Completing both General & Foundation Mathematics) please complete an exam clash form and submit it to Mrs Kate Todorovic (Year 11 &12 Curriculum Leader) for approval at least one week before your examination date.

Please bring with you to your exam your College ID (or Learners Permit) in preparation for next year.

Family Holidays

A reminder that the College strongly discouraged family holidays taken during the school term. Any absence due to a family holiday or travel is not an approved absence and may result in your child being awarded a score of 0 and N grade for any missed assessments. These results may impact their attendance percentage, study score, ATAR and/or eligibility to receive their senior certificate.

In cases of emergency travel plans please see your Year Level Leader to discuss your options.

Dates to Remember

Unit 1 Examinations Monday 3 June 2024 - Friday 7 June 2024

VM Workplacement* Monday 3 June 2024- Friday 14 June 2024

VCAA General Assessment Test (GAT) 18 June 2024

*Please ensure you have returned your forms to Ms Debra Williams asap.

Kate Todorovic
Curriculum Leader (Years 11 & 12)

Director Faith and Community


Careers Update