With our hypothetical “ low fuel light" on we have made it to the end of Term 2, the half way point of the 2024 school year.

I wish to take this opportunity to congratulate our Year 11 students who used their Semester One exam experience opportunity to its fullest potential, you took the process seriously, attended your exams promptly, and followed all instructions. This experience will strengthen your success in future years.

A second round of congratulations is in order for all of our students undertaking a Unit 3 & 4 study this year with the completion of the VCAA General Assessment Test (GAT) on Tuesday 18 June 2024, marking the the beginning of the final countdown clock for your secondary school journey for our Year 12 students.

The Science of Learning tells us that we are prone to forgetting but we can delay this by revisiting concepts, content, and theory regularly. Year 12 students are encouraged to delay their forgetting of Unit 3 key knowledge and concepts by revisiting these over the holiday period. You may wish to complete VCAA past examinations, trial examinations provided by your teachers, complete Area of Study reviews or revisit chapters from your book-listed resources.

Our annual subject selection or web preferences will open early next Term 3 for our Year 11 students.. Students and families are encouraged to use the holiday period to draft their preferences for 2025 using the following resources:

Prerequisite University Guide: https://vtac.edu.au/files/pdf/publications/prerequisites-for-2026-v2c.pdf

VTAC - Year 11 Guide: https://vtac.edu.au/before/guides/y11guide.html

VTAC - Course Search: https://delta.vtac.edu.au/coursesearch/#/search/archive

Apprenticeships: https://www.apprenticeships.gov.au/

Free TAFE Courses: https://www.vic.gov.au/free-tafe

Please see Mrs Debra Williams, Career and Pathways Coordinator’s article for more information about Terriatry Institute Open Days.

Again, as previously encouraged for those in our Victorian Pathway Certificate (VPC) or VCE: Vocational Major the holiday break offers an unique opportunity to work with family or friends to complete some additional work placement and experience “a day in the life” of your particular chosen career interest.

I eagerly await Term 3 and remind parents/guardians/students my door/phone/email is always open. Thank you for your continued support and partnerhship in supporting your young person in their learning journey.

Dates to Remember

Thursday 25 July 2024Year 7 -12 Parent Teacher interviews (format online 2pm-8pm)
Tuesday 29 July 2024Year 12 VTAC Parent/Student Information Night (format online)
Week 6: 19 - 23 August2024 VM/VPC Work Placement (Years 11 & 12)
Week 7:26 - 30 August 2024 VM/VPC Work Placement (Year 12 only)

 Please look out for more information, which will be made available to parents/guardians closer to these dates via Operoo.

Kate Todorovic
Curriculum Leader (Years 11&12)

Director Faith and Community


Careers Update