Semester reports

As this semester draws to a close, you will have received thorough Seqta Engage a copy of your child’s end-of-semester report. This report provides an overview of some of the assessment tasks that students have undertaken and a snapshot of their achievement and progress.

When reviewing these reports with your child, we suggest you frame your conversations around the following key areas:

Areas of strength: Help your child highlight areas in which they have shown great growth since their last report. Talk with them about what is working well in these areas and the things they are doing that have contributed to their great success.

Areas of interest: In preparation for subject selection next term, help your child to think about areas of interest or passion that they may be developing. Are there subjects that they have found highly motivating? Are they interested to learn more in these areas? Ask your child what subjects are available to them next year that reflect these interest areas.

Focus for improvement: Based on their experience this semester, what changes or improvements would they like to make in their study habits? Are there subject areas where they would like to focus more attention or are there ways that they could use their homework and study time more effectively?

By exploring these discussion topics with your child, you will be well prepared to continue this conversation in the Parent Teacher Interviews next term on July 25th. Booking details for this event will be shared with families next term.

Subject Selection

Students across years 8 to 11 will be considering their subject choices for 2025. All students have had information presented to them explaining the options available and suggested approaches to selecting a range of subjects.

For families, subject handbooks are available on our College website under Learning & Teaching.

Subject selections will be confirmed during week 3 of term 3. Prior, we encourage all parents and carers to work with their child to select a range of subjects that match both their strengths, and allow them to explore their areas of interest before entering the senior years.

Year 10 Pathways Interviews

On Thursday, July 18, all year 10 students and their parents or carers are asked to attend an essential Pathways interview, during which we will confirm their pathway and subject choices for their senior program.

This is a great opportunity for parents and carers to seek clarification relating to pathway options, subject choice and entry to further studies at TAFE or University.

Please refer to the communication sent to year 10 families via Operoo for booking details.

Assessment Catchup Process

At times, students may miss an assessment task due to illness or a school-based activity. In these situations, it is important that these student both have an opportunity to undertake this task in a similar timeframe to their peers, while also not missing any extra class time.

For this reason, we have a process for missed assessment tasks where students are required to attend an after school session to undertake this task, arranged by their teacher.

These sessions are not designed to punish students for their absence, rather to ensure that they do not miss any additional class time in order to undertake these tasks.

Communication relating to after-school catchups are sent weekly via email and SMS message to both students and their families. It is a College expectation that students are available for these catchup sessions, and we seek your support in ensuring that by using this process, we can minimise any further disruption to learning during scheduled classes.

Adam Gonzalez
Deputy Principal: Learning & Teaching

Deputy Principal: Staff


Deputy Principal: Operations