Welcome to Kolbe!

This term we welcomed the following new Learning Support staff to our Kolbe family:

  • Lara Minca
  • Eliza Fleet
  • Ellie Tektonopoulos
  • Emily Carbon
  • Danae Yankos
  • John Riego

We also welcome Assistant Business Manager Thu Tran.

Temporary Wellbeing Staff Changes

We wish Cameron Whitford (Deputy Principal ~ Students) well as he takes some leave for three weeks from May 17 – June 7.

During this time, we wish Samantha Mizzi (Acting Deputy Principal), Ashleigh Pereira (Acting Director of Students Years 11 and 12) and Michael Knight (Acting Year 8 Level Leader) our best wishes as they step into these important Wellbeing roles.

Information Evening for Prospective Teacher

On June 20, Kolbe is hosting an evening for teachers interested in employment opportunities at Kolbe in 2025 and beyond. The evening will offer a tour of the school, a Q&A panel with school staff about the programs and culture at Kolbe, an opportunity to meet some of our students, as well as some light refreshments.

The evening is open to both qualified teachers and university students currently completing an education degree. If you or someone you know is interested in future employment at Kolbe, see the flyer below for more information and details about how to register.

Geoff Caulfield
Deputy Principal: Staff

From the Principal


Deputy Principal: Operations