In the Catholic Church, May is the month of Mary. We reflect on Mary’s role as mother to us all. At Kolbe Catholic Church, we also give thanks for the mothers in our lives.

God, whilst we take this moment to celebrate mothers, the truth is, we ought to celebrate them every day. Their love manifests in small, subtle ways each day, in the mundane and in the ways that sometimes we take for granted.

We thank you for their sacrificial love and ask you to uplift them today. Thank you for the gift they are in our lives.

Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, I ask for your intercession today for my earthly mother.

Pray for her, and pray that her example of love draws me closer to Your son, not only on Mother’s Day but on all days.


Welcome to term two and as ever, we hit the ground running. By the end of week two, we had celebrated Chisholm House’s Feast Mass, acknowledged ANZAC Day as a College, as well as being represented at Craigieburn Park on ANZAC Day.

The community of Kolbe Catholic College extends their gratitude to our College Captains, Allison and Caleb who gave up their morning to attend the ANZAC Day service. Whilst the service was a solemn occasion, it was also a fantastic demonstration of community and respect for the ANZAC legend and service people. The College commemorated this important date as a whole school on the 24th, pausing for prayer and reflection led by our Faith Captains, Mary Ann and Walter.

Chisholm House gathered on the 18th of April for the House Feast Mass, celebrated by Fr. Dishan. We thank him for his spiritual guidance, as well as Fr. Samuel, for presiding over Frassati House’s Feast Mass on the 16th of May. Kolbe Catholic College is grateful to the Church of the Good Shepherd for supporting these and many of our masses throughout the year. We look forward to the members of Romero House gathering on the 13th of June for their Feast Mass.

Another highlight of the term so far was having Fr. Rob Galea facilitate our Year 10 Reflection Day. His story is an incredible one, our students appreciated him sharing it with them. His music is always a highlight, it also made the day engaging and spiritually enriching.

The day concluded with a teaching mass, an opportunity for Fr. Rob to celebrate the mass with the students but also explain the significance of key moments during the mass. These days are a success because of the staff that support them, Kolbe is lucky to have such dedicated staff who ensure these days run smoothly and are formational for our students.

Finally, beginning on the 19th of May is Laudato Si Week. The theme for Laudato Si’ Week 2024 is inspired by the symbol for Season of Creation 2024, “firstfruits.” It is asking all of us to to be seeds of hope in our lives and our world, rooted in faith and love. I encourage you and your family to pray for our earth and a sustainable future.

Peace and Blessings

Rob Dellar
Director Faith and Community

Deputy Principal: Operations


Curriculum Leader (Years11&12)