To ensure a smooth and respectful process when students need to leave school early, please follow these steps:

  1. Written Note: If your child needs to depart before the scheduled end of the school day, they must bring a note from you or their guardian. The note should clearly state the date and time they will be leaving.
  2. Presentation to PC Teacher: In the morning, your child should show this note to their PC (Pastoral Care) teacher, who will record the early departure on SEQTA. Your child will then keep the note with them for reference.
  3. Informing Classroom Teacher: At the beginning of the class period in which they will need to leave, students are encouraged to communicate their departure time to their classroom teacher and show the note as a reminder.
  4. Meeting Point: When it’s time to depart, students are required to meet their parent or guardian at Student Services.

Please be advised that Student Services will not call classrooms or make announcements for early departures. Following these steps will help students depart efficiently and minimize classroom disruptions.

Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining a focused and organized learning environment.

Samantha Mizzi
cting Deputy Principal - Students

Acting Deputy Principal: Students


Organisational Tools Week