Hello Parents/Caregivers, Students, Staff and other friends

Science of Learning

Over the course of Semester 1, our teaching staff have been engaging and in many cases, reacquainting themselves with the foundation principles of the Science of Learning. The Science of Learning is a body of ever-evolving research evidence that supports the most effective and efficient way to teach students, and to maximise their learning.

In 2023, representatives of our College were part of the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) Principal & Teacher Reference group, providing important feedback on how the MACS Vision For Instruction, which is heavily informed by the Science of Learning, could be implemented across the sector. Using this involvement as a launchpad, our Learning & Teaching team developed and delivered a series of professional learning sessions that have covered the following areas:

Memory and Forgetting: Memory is essential for learning, but we all experience moments of forgetfulness. Cognitive science teaches us why we remember certain things and why we forget others, helping us understand memory improvement strategies.

Cognitive Load: Cognitive load theory explains how our brains process information. Teachers can optimise learning by tailoring lessons, using worked examples, and simplifying complex information to manage students’ cognitive load.

Limits of Working Memory: Working memory allows us to temporarily hold and manipulate information. However, it has its limits, affecting decision-making and various cognitive tasks.

As these principles, along with many others continue to be explored by our teachers, students will start to see changes in the way that teachers present information. Backed by the best available evidence, we look forward to continuing to grow and improve our collective teaching practice


On a very different note, I mentioned in a previous newsletter that four years ago the maximum number of students we could enrol in Year 7 was 189. We were enrolling about 160 and had space to spare. As people have heard about the great things the students and staff are doing at Kolbe there has been increasing demand for enrolments. If any students have a younger sibling wishing to enrol for Year 7 2026, please contact our Registrar for an enrolment package as we are nervous current families may not gain a position if they miss the August 16 2024 application date.

Our Second Campus

Plans for our second campus in Mickleham are well underway. We hope to turn the first sod in September this year.

The new campus will cater for 6 streams/classes of Year 7 students in 2026. The first stage will see the construction of 12 rooms, a Visual Arts/STEAM space, administration offices and a dedicated covered Futsal area.

In 2026, construction will already be underway for Stage 2 which will include a new building for Middle School students and also a dedicated Performing Arts space.

We envisage new stages to be completed every 2 years with the campus fully operational catering for Years 7-12 students by 2031.

Future plans include the construction of a Stadium, Library, Chapel, STEM Centre, a dedicated Year 7 area and a Performing Arts Centre.

These are very exciting developments for Kolbe and we look forward to welcoming Year 7 students to the Mickleham Campus in 2026.

Finally, thank you to everyone for an excellent Term 2. A break for the students and teachers is well deserved.

Thanks everyone.

Nick Scully

Deputy Principal: Staff