Kolbe Catholic College received exciting news from the State Government on 24 July. Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Ben Carroll MP, visited the Greenvale campus to announce that the College would receive $6 million in funding for Stage 2 of the Mickleham Campus construction. This brought immense excitement to the entire community and provided the College Leadership with much-needed certainty in achieving the desired targets for the campus construction. At the time of writing, Stage 1 has nearly completed the tender process, with a significant announcement expected in early September.

A week later, Minister Vicki Ward, the Member for Prevention of Family Violence, visited the College to learn about our work in Respectful Relationships and how we are equipping students with the knowledge to apply in their day-to-day interactions. Minister Ward and Iwan Walters visited Year 8 classrooms to observe lessons and interact with the students as they engaged in their learning. The visit coincided with preparations for classes in the lead-up to Kolbe Feast Day.

Finally, I must say, as Acting Principal, it was a thrill to lead the College on the Walk Against Domestic Violence through the streets of Greenvale. Participating with special guests, staff, and students, all wearing our purple t-shirts emblazoned with the message “Not Now, Not Ever,” and raising awareness of this critical issue, demonstrated our community’s deep commitment to living harmoniously and ensuring that no one should ever have to fear another person, under any circumstances. As we celebrated Kolbe Feast Day, it was timely to reflect on our Patron Saint, Maximilian Kolbe, and the legacy he has left for our community.

Saint Maximilian Kolbe stands as a beacon of profound courage and selfless love, his life a testament to the transformative power of faith and sacrifice. Kolbe's martyrdom, marked by an unyielding love for both God and humanity, continues to inspire and challenge us to live with boundless compassion and unwavering honour. His legacy endures as a powerful reminder that true heroism often lies in the quiet, courageous choices made in the face of darkness.

Saint Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us.

Cameron Whitford
Acting Principal

Deputy Principal: Staff