Marian Gerguis

Math, Science & Arabic Teacher

In this edition of The Spotlight Series we get to know Maths, Science and Arabic Teacher: Ms Marian Gerguis.

Marian Gerguis

What is your role at Kolbe?
Maths, Science and Arabic Teacher

What do you love most about working at Kolbe Catholic College?

The confidence I have that every decision the school makes is in the best interest of both students and teachers, plus, the warm and supportive environment among staff and students which truly makes it a special place to be.

What is your favourite food?

Lebanese sausage (Sojuk)

What is your favorite travel destination?

Having visited 11 countries, Singapore stands out as my favourite, it felt like a trip into the future!

What was your first job?


What are some of your pet peeves?

My biggest pet peeve is that my daughters always have their phones on 'Do Not Disturb' as if they are celebrities, and I must call twice just to get through to them.

Also, when people leave a space messy after using it expecting the mess to magically disappear.

What is your favourite hobby?

Cooking, I find it therapeutic.

What is your hidden talent or something we mightn't know about you?

Designing and crafting

What do you like to do in your free time?

In my free time, I enjoy reading Arabic novels, tending to my garden, and working on jigsaw puzzles.

What is your favourite quote?

If you can change your mind, you can change your life.

Who is someone who inspires you?

My mum, she’s the most positive, hard-working, and supportive person I know.

How do you think people would describe you? 

Supportive, hard-working, and approachable

What is your favourite joke?

Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use honeycombs : )

If you were stuck on a desert island, what three things would you want to have?

One is enough, a magic lamp with a genie who will bring me all what I need :)

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