Mr Adam Gonzalez

Deputy Principal, Learning & Teaching

In this edition of The Spotlight Series we get to know our Deputy Principal, Learning & Teaching, Mr Adam Gonzalez. Having worked for many years at Mt St Joseph’s College in Altona, Mr Gonzalez came to Kolbe in January as a member of the College Leadership Team.

Adam Gonzalez

What is your role at Kolbe?
Deputy Principal - Learning & Teaching

What does a typical day at Kolbe look like for you?

My day typically involves working with different leaders across the school so that we can help make Kolbe a great place to learn and grow. I also work with my year 9 & 10 classes in Maths and Pathways.

What do you love most about working at Kolbe Catholic College?

I love the great people, the positive culture and how everyone, staff and students, are here to be the best they can be every day.

Quickfire Questions

What is your favourite book to read?

Recently, The Big Switch by Saul Griffiths. Saul is an Engineer who proposes a plan to help get our country off fossil fuels.

What is your favourite food?

I love Thai and Japanese food. My favourite would be Okonomiyaki!

What is your favorite travel destination?

Within Australia, Port Douglas. Overseas, I'd love to go back to Japan one day.

What was your first job?

My first job was working in a butcher’s shop at Epping Plaza. Not very glamorous, but it was a great way to save up for my first car.

What is your favourite hobby?

Gardening, or tinkering with electronics and smart home gadgets

What is your hidden talent or something we mightn't have known about you?

I have the very useless ability to remember phone numbers from TV ads and radio jingles.

What is your favourite sporting team?

My AFL team is Carlton, but I'm not a very good supporter.

What is your favorite quote?

"Be the change you want to see in the world" Mahatma Gandhi.

How do you think people would describe you?

I think people would say that I'm fun loving and a good listener.

If you were stuck on a deserted island, what three things would you want to have?

Music, someone to chat to (I'd go crazy by myself) and a really good umbrella. I'm not a fan of hot weather.

From the Principal


Spotlight Series #7