Operoo is our primary communication platform for engaging with parents.
Through Operoo, you can:
Your child’s privacy is our priority - Operoo’s world-class security measures ensure all information remains safe and confidential.
If you need support setting up Operoo, please speak with our Student Services Team.
Keeping our community safe is our priority.
Everyone is reminded, on-campus to:
Students walking to/from school must use designated road crossings, such as school/pedestrian crossings and at traffic lights. Students should for cars before moving towards the road.
Lysterfield drive is a designated school traffic zone:
5 March | Ash Wednesday/Opening College Mass |
6 March | College Tour, 5:30pm |
8 March | International Women's Day |
10 March | Labour Day Public Holiday |
12-14 March | NAPLAN |
13 March | Dunlop House Mass |
16-23 March | Catholic Education Week: Pilgrims of Hope |
17 March | College Swimming Carnival |
19 March | Year 7 Camp Information Night |
21 March | Harmony Day |
27 March | Romero House Mass |
27 March | Parent-Teacher Interviews (Years 7-12); students finish at 12:45pm |
2 April | Easter Liturgy |
3 April | College Athletics Carnival |
3 April | Term 1 Concludes |
18 April | Good Friday Public Holiday |
19 April | Easter Saturday |
20 April | Easter Sunday |
21 April | Easter Monday Public Holiday |
22 April | Term 2 Commences |
22-24 April | Year 7 Camp |
24 April | Mackillop House Mass |
25 April | Anzac Day Public Holiday |
Term 1 | 28 January - 4 April |
Term 2 | 22 April - 4 July |
Term 3 | 21 July - 19 September |
Term 4 | 6 October - 19 December |
Nikole Cymbalak
Deputy Principal: Operations