Deb Williams is the College Careers Discovery and Program Coordinator.
Deb has over 20 years experience with careers education and counselling in secondary schools and heads the Careers programs at Kolbe.
Term One saw the majority of year 12 students undertake one-on-one counselling sessions, discussing their options and pathways moving beyond secondary education. There were numerous individual referrals from various year levels for discussions on subject selections, course requirements and pathway options.
Year 12 2020 graduates were supported with their University and TAFE offers and enrolments. This term the focus turns towards Year 9, 10 and 11, with subject selections and pathway decisions, guest speakers and the annual Subject Expo.
A careers newsletter is produced every three weeks, where important information on courses, career options, job opportunities and pathway options is summarised. This is direct messaged to all students in Years 10 - 12 and can also be found on SEQTA under "Careers".
The latest edition includes information on: